240221 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Enchiridion 14.a (Waterfield)
What is 'up to me' and what is not 'up to me'? Within my power are reason, judgment, assent, opinion, response, mercy, kindness, altrusim. Not within my power are health, wealth, reputation, family, friends, life, death, success, failure, disrespect, physics.

If I limit my desires to appropriate versions of these internal states, then I cannot be thwarted.

I follow the standard Stoic delineation between preferred and dispreferred indifferents. Unless it would cost my virtue, good health is preferred to bad health, despite it not being up to me. The same with wealth, public office, a good economy, etc.

If I want my father to recover and be his healthy self again, I'm asking for the impossible and can only be disappointed. If I ask that I bear his eventual loss well, that is up to me and can be accomplished.

I do a lot of premeditatio malorum. What can happen? How can I respond well? How can I be kind and helpful when we're all in need of comfort? What scenarios are likely and how should I respond differently to each one?
