240318 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Enchiridion, 29:6-7 (Waterfield)

It's not a path to riches and fame, philosophy, nor is it easy, but assuming philosophy works as advertised, in return I get "equanimity, freedom, and peace of mind."

Isn't that what riches and fame, political power and high positions, are supposed to gain for us?*  We go through all the trouble and pain — the long hours, the grinding days, the weeks without vacation, the time away from family and friends  — just to follow Tony Montana: "First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman."

But we're never satisfied, right? We moil and toil, boil and bubble, but we are never soup. We always find another thing to chase or another acclaim to pursue so we can finally be a Big Shot, a Somebody. 'Goddamit. Now you fuckers will have to respect me.'

Seneca's dictum comes to mind: "It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor." (Moral Letters, II)


* I understand that, for some, the power itself is the draw, not the ease and leisure which can be purchased by the same. I am so far from this mindset, if it were at the top of Everest, I'd be digging in the Marianas . . . . Seriously, if you ever want to elect someone president who will leave you the hell alone because they have no desire to run your life, I'm your guy.
