240324 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Enchiridion, 33.9 (Waterfield)

A favorite. I love this. It's a reply I've used many times.*

Humility. Humor. Honesty. Not bad for a single comnent.

I know my faults. It's tough for someone to say something true about me that I haven't thought about myself. And if they do say something true I haven't realized, I owe them honest thanks for helping me find a place I need to improve.

If I mean it that I want to live a good life, I don't get to resent it when I get the chance to do better, no matter the messenger.

Not that I'm always successful in performing this bit of zen. I try to accept criticism gracefully, but I'm not immune to my monkey reacting to a threat and letting it temporarily drive the bus. (To my consistent later regret.)


* In response to yo mama jokes, I like 'You know MOM?!?!')
