240527 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Meditations, 2.1 (Waterfield)

I'm feeling satisfied with myself this morning. I have a trip coming up and one of my flights got fuct up. I had to book a new one today, just days from when we're going to fly. As you can imagine, the price of the flight tripled compared to the original booking made 6 months ago.

I reminded myself that I live in a world where things like this happen. I asked myself it it was possible to live in a world where unethical companies don't exist and where travel plans don't get changed at the last minute.

Since this is asking for the impossible, I resigned myself to acceptance, calmed down, swallowed the cost and the frustration, and moved on.

While it is still bugging me in the background, it is less than it was and I know it will fade as the day goes on.
