221231 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Happy New Year, all. 
Thank you for your attendance. 
You may now retire. 

Year-end Review:

My top post this year by views (and by a large margin) was, as I expected, a memoriam for a friend who passed away in March.  It's one of my best posts I've ever made on this site.  (And it's prequel post.)

Another good post came from January and concerned luck and life.

This one from February examines criticism and improving myself.

And another from February which repeats one of my most common thoughts during these meditations: action v reaction.

Stepping aside from stats-driven listings to a fee which I personally feel are well done or important, three recent posts offer a pretty good insight into my progress these last few years.

A few days ago, I discussed spending my life well.

Two days ago, I explained why I do this.

Yesterday, I looked at kindness and wasted time.

Daily Stoic:

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

Champagne Polka by Johann Strauss II

Daily Shakespeare:

The Tempest, Act 5 Scene 1
